To date we have been in full time ministry for 28 years. In that time we have seen over 7,000 people come to a saving knowledge of Christ.
We are humbled by how Christ has chosen to use us in His Kingdom and believe that we are just beginning. In a world of chaos and fear we know the calmer of the seas and the keeper of the stars. In that knowledge it is our honor and responsibility to impart that to a lost and dying world.
We will stand in the gap and preach the word unfiltered and unafraid. But, as we go we need your help through prayer and monetary support.
Will you come along beside us and be the hands and feet of Christ?
We appreciate anything you can do to help and promise that your donations will go to furthering the cause of Christ until the day that we hear "Well Done"!
Welcome and thank you for being a CROSS BEARER!